On The Moon
You know I care for you
But pretend and lead me on, that's all you do
I tried to still believe, but now I'm through
And the only place I see
Is calling out to me
It's the only place I know
It's the place where I must go
On the moon,
That's where you'll find me soon
I'll be alone again
But that's ok, I must be on my own again
But I'll be waiting on the moon for you
I'll sit and reminisce for many hours
I'll miss the rain and all the pretty flowers
I'll dream of all the cities and their towers
And I'll hope you wonder why
I'm lying in the sky
I'll even let you in for free
If you come and visit me
On the moon
That's where you'll find me soon
I'll be alone again
And all I'll do is lie there till I die there
Waiting on the moon for you
Would you ever even dream
To go to the extreme?
Would you ever wanna be
Would you ever wanna be
The one to rescue me?
On the moon
That's where you'll find me soon
All alone again
Unwinding there
And praying that you'll find me there
Waiting on the moon for you
On the moon
That's where you'll find me soon
And still your face will be
Haunting me, so if you're ever wanting me
I'll be waiting on the moon for you
- Peter Cincotti -
Ontem, saí do serviço, já passava das dez da noite. Já em cima da ponte, reparei numa lua lindissima, enorme! Não era branca, mas de um tom alaranjado, meio encoberta por uns farrapos de nuvem, parecia que nascia do Tejo ou se escondia nele, e lhe dava um brilho em tons de prata e laranja. Instintivamente abrandei a velocidade do carro e deliciei-me com aquela visão.
É que, na correria do dia a dia, na pressa de chegar a casa, não percebemos toda esta beleza natural, que nos é oferecida e a que, nem sempre damos a devida atenção.
Apeteceu-me ficar ali, embora ela me tenha acompanhado até casa. Deixou o Tejo e veio quase sempre ao meu lado.
Um encontro com a lua...
Ou na lua???